Gifted and Talented

What kind of services does AISD offer for GT students?

The district offers services for students in grades K-12 in the core subject areas of language arts, math, science and social studies. 

Will my child go to another school or class?

AISD uses the state model of "clustering". Clustering means that students are grouped in classes together in their area of giftedness. All teachers at Blanton have their 30 hours of GT foundation training. Each year, all teachers receive 6 hours of update training to expand strategies and rigor when working with GT students.

Does my nomination mean that my child willl be in the GT program?

Nomination is the first step in the identification progress. Other tools help develop a portfolio of information which helps determine whether or not a child is selected for the program. Students take a standardized test with qualitative and quantitative measures. Work samples and observation check lists are developed for the portfolio.

Who decides if my child will be admitted in the GT program?

A campus decision making committee reviews the data collected for each child who was screened. The committee makes final decisions based on the analysis of collected information. If a child is not selected they can be screened again in a year. A child can be screened once a year.

Will my child have to go through the identification process every year?

Once a child enters the GT program, he/she will remain in the program through all grade levels, unless exited according to AISD produres. 

For more information on Gifted and Talend Services in AISD, and the application process, please visit:

Referrals for 2023-24 school year

The referral window is September 18th-October 6th. If you miss the referral window this year, you can nominate your student next fall!

*Please note: The referral and assessment process now takes place only once a year in the fall for grades K-5.

 To nominate your child for GT testing, please speak with your child's teacher in early fall.

GT Referral Link