We put together a collection of the most common questions from parents below. If you do not find your answer below please contact the campus at (512) 414-2026.
Doors to the campus open at 7:25 AM. Parents may use the circle drive to drop off students. In this drop off area, students must be able to independently unbuckle from seat belts and car seats. Staff on site will not be able to unbuckle students in the car line. Parents and families may also park along Westminster, Rogge, Greenbrook, and Blanton Drive and walk to the front entrance. Please use crosswalks and be mindful of neighborhood driveways. There are also bike racks available at the front entrance to the school. Parents are not allowed to enter the building during arrival, unless they are visiting the front office. All visitors must obtain a pass prior to entering the school.
The main doors will close at 7:40 AM. After this time, parents must enter the building and sign in their students to record their tardiness.
Car pick-up is in the front circle and walk-up pick-up is at the gate near the portables. Walk up will be the fastest option! Last year the walk-up pick-up was finished by about 3:15 and car pick-up lasted until after 3:30. You need to have a yellow card for your child at car pick-up dismissal and a green card for your child at walk-up pick-up. We will have extra cards available at dismissal.
Walk up students who have not been picked up by 3:15 will be taken to the front office. Students from the car line will be escorted to the office at 3:30.
Students enrolled in aftercare, daycares, or bus riders will be taken to their locations by Blanton staff.
If you need to update your child's dismissal information, please contact the classroom teacher and front office staff before 2:00 PM.

Early Pick Up
If you need to pick up your child from school early, please contact the front office and your child's teacher. Please call the office at least an hour beforehand so we can have your student ready when you arrive. We ask that all early pickups are completed before 2:30 so as not to interrupt the dismissal process.
All Blanton students receive free breakfast and lunch.
- Breakfast is served in the classroom between 7:30 and 7:45 AM.
- The menu can be viewed on the School Cafe site.
- Students are HIGHLY encouraged to eat school meals but may bring a healthy meal from home if they wish.
- AISD food service is able to accommodate a wide variety of allergies and sensitivities. Visit the AISD food allergies and special diets page for more information.
- Blanton is an allergy aware campus. Students may not share personal food brought from home with other students, unless it is shared with the entire class in coordination with the classroom teacher. When sharing with the whole class, the food must first be brought to the front office. Staff will screen the food for allergens that are life-threatening to the students in that classroom. If it does not pass the screening, the food must be returned to the family or may be donated. Food that does not contain allergens that are life-threatening for the students in the class will receive a green sticker indicating the food is safe and has been screened.
- Students should also bring a water bottle from home every day. Please label all water bottles with student's first name, last name and grade level.
- Parents are allowed to bring food for celebrations, but they must adhere to classroom allergy guidelines and must be pre-approved by the teacher.
School attendance is VERY important. During the 2023-24 school year alone, our school lost $463,783 in funding due to student absences. Absences are also a MAJOR factor in student success and may affect a student’s transfer status if they become excessive. Examples of excused and unexcused absences can be found on this AISD page. If a student must be absent, there are several options to document their absence:
- Complete an online form on the AISD website
- Complete a paper form in the front office
- Complete and email this form to blanton@austinisd.org
- PTA will share the Bobcat Week-at-a Glance and campus newsletters will be shared on a regular basis.
- The school calendar contains all important dates. Consider subscribing to add it to your personal calendar.
- There is a new district-wide communications platform launching in Fall 2024.
- Please contact your student’s teacher directly if you would like to meet. All conferences and meeting times must be scheduled ahead of time. We look forward to meeting with you!
- Please give staff members 24 hours to respond to calls or emails. If you have any urgent needs, please call the front office at 414-2026.
- Don’t forget to follow Blanton Elementary on Facebook and Instagram
- School Calendar (note the subscribe option to add dates to your personal calendar)
- How to Enroll
- Staff Directory
- After Care
- Interested in attending Blanton? Go to bit.ly/blantontours to sign up for a school tour.
Language Arts and Reading
English Language Pathways
Kindergarten (yearly overview)
Dual Language
Kindergarten (yearly overview)
Math and Science
Kindergarten (yearly overview)
Kindergarten (yearly overview)
Social-Emotional Learning
Purposeful People, our SEL curriculum adoption, contains family newsletters to provide you more information about the current topic, activities you can do at home and conversation starters to connect as a family with the same thing we're learning at school!
November Topic: Gratitude