Technology at school
Technology plays an important part in Austin ISD. Read more about digital citizenship and social media.
We put together a collection of at home learning resources. Each grade level has a set of video instructions for accessing learning resources at home.
English Language Arts
Storyline Online -Online Read Alouds
Spanish Language Arts
Spanish Profe-Online Read Alouds in Spanish
Weekly Folder Instructions
Everyday activities are incredibly useful, like searching for letters, numbers, or shapes at home or outside. You can also play games with words that begin with... clap to count syllables, or count the utensils on the table and toys… Look for patterns in the real world, or create them with any objects you have at home. To develop fine motor skills, play with sand or playdough, use scissors to cut paper, use clothes pins, rip paper, use large tweezers to grab small objects, and use chenille sticks to thread beads.
Las actividades cotidianas son increíblemente útiles, como buscar letras, números o formas en casa o afuera. También puedes jugar con palabras que comienzan con... aplaudir para contar sílabas, o contar los utensilios en la mesa y los juguetes. Busca patrones en el mundo real, o créalos con cualquier objeto que tengas en casa. Para desarrollar las habilidades motoras finas, juega con arena o plastilina, usa tijeras para cortar papel, usa pinzas para la ropa, rasga papel, usa pinzas grandes para agarrar objetos pequeños y usa palillos de chenille para enhebrar cuentas.
English Language Arts
Imagine Learning
MackinVia (available on AISD portal)
HMH (available on AISD portal)
Spanish Language Arts
Imagine Espanol
Imagine Math
English Language Arts
Imagine Learning
Spanish Language Arts
Imagine Espanol
Imagine Math
English Language Arts
Imagine Learning
Imagine Math
English Language Arts
Imagine Learning
Imagine Math
English Language Arts
Imagine Learning-Language and Literacy
Spanish Language Arts
Imagine Learning Espanol
Progress Learning Math
Additional Resources
English Language Arts
Spanish Language Arts
Imagine Espanol
Imagine Math
Additional Resources
Google Classroom
English Language Arts
Writable, HMH
Austin Public Library Digital Resources (including Libby)
All AISD students have an Austin Public Library account. Please contact your child's teacher for more information.
Spanish Language Arts
Imagine Espanol
Google Classroom
Learning with Mr. Gonzalez YouTube Channel
How to access the AISD Portal
Go to
Your student's username is their 8 digit student number with the letter S. (example: S12345678).
Your student's password is the first letter of their last name (Capitalized), birthdate (MM/DD/YY), lowercase S.
Jane Doe, birthday 01/01/2025
Password: D010125s
AISD Technology Tutorial Videos
Instructional Videos to help students access AISD technology
Parent self Service Guide
How to navigate Frontline
Chrome Music Lab
Students can explore music creation online and practice learned skills
Scholastic Book Wizard
Online tool for searching book levels
PBS Kids
Educational games in English and Spanish